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SUITE 1880

1880 is the decade my grandfather was born in. The solid chestnut furniture in the bedroom was built to celebrate his birth (his name is even engraved in it!) and it was an essential component of the Villa’s décor. The suite is facing east, and in the evening you will be able to see the suffused lights of the ‘St. Vittore and Corona Monastery’, one of the artistic wonders of our province. The suite is equipped with a king’s bed in the bedroom, and with a sofa queen’s bed in the other room.


Grazie. Ti ricontatteremo fra poco

via San Giuseppe 8 - 32032 Feltre (BL) - Italy

Facebook: villaguarnieri

© 2020-2024 by Azienda Agricola Guarnieri

P. Iva 01130640251


Iniziativa finanziata dal P.S.R. per il Veneto 2014-2020

Focus Area 2A: Creazione e sviluppo della diversificazione delle imprese agricole

Misura M06.4.1/2A ID 3763549

DGR n. 989 del 27/06/2017

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